Women in Communications
Thursday 26th September 2024

Although the PR and communications industry is overwhelmingly female overall, the number of women at board director level and above remains stubbornly low. Our unique Women in Communications conference seeks to provide current and future leaders with the skills to correct this imbalance.

The event explores the role of women in communications and offers practical advice and coaching on how to develop your career and leadership capabilities in times of change. Gather your colleagues and join us for an immersive day of executive coaching. Experienced and inspirational speakers will offer advice to help you manage the challenges of modern leadership, and we will discuss together how to ensure we don't lose momentum in recognising and rewarding female leaders in communications.  

The conference is CPD certified.


  • Examine the barriers currently facing female leaders as well as the challenges to future leaders in communications, and learn how to overcome them
  • Understand when and how gender plays a role in both organisational and personal advancement
  • Learn how successful women negotiate what they need to be effective leaders
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the skills, qualities and attributes needed to be a successful leader
  • Raise the visibility of women as senior leaders in communications
  • Receive video recordings of all sessions after the event
"Brilliant. Inspiring. I want to do it again!"
Project Manager, HMRC
Public Sector
£400 +VAT
£295* +VAT
*If registering more than 4 places
Private Sector
£800 +VAT
Chair's Introduction & Opening Remarks: 
Women across the communications sector: Exploring the landscape

  • Understanding why women are underrepresented in senior positions 
  • Exploring the cultural and practical obstacles to career progression and leadership 
Positioning yourself as a leader: a practical toolkit

  • Developing and maintaining a growth mindset amidst challenges and adversity 
  • Pitching your skills and putting yourself forward for opportunities
  • Identifying your unique skills and priorities to build a personal brand 
  • Honing networking skills to identify potential mentors, allies, and support
Networking and Refreshment Break
Exploring the confidence conundrum: the power of knowing and demonstrating your worth

  • The confidence gap: reframing perceptions of capability 
  • Acknowledging strengths and achievements to maintain a positive internal dialogue
  • Leveraging your strengths and tapping into the right resources
  • Defining your career goals and visualising success 
  • Finding the courage to lead authentically
Preparing for Impact: Laying the groundwork for optimal communication

  • Structuring your meetings and preparatory work for maximum effect 
  • Managing adrenaline to think clearly under pressure 
  • Holding attention in a hybrid environment
Networking Lunch
Keynote Address:
A personal reflection on my leadership journey 

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the skills, qualities, and attributes needed to be a successful leader from an inspirational senior leader
Panel Discussion:
Resilience in Action: key lessons to take forward when handling crisis communication

  • Develop a ‘what if’ mindset to better handle unexpected events 
  • Managing and maintaining resilience through the planning, acute response, and post-crisis stages 
  • Asking for what you need, at home and at work 
  • Maintaining confidence in your abilities and your worth during difficult times 
Leading a Change in Culture: Where do we go from here?

  • Raising the visibility of women as senior leaders in communications 
  • Leadership for all: challenging traditional leadership paths and behaviours
  • The importance lifting others as you climb 
Chair's Closing Remarks
Event Close
Anna Geffert
Founder, Hera Communication Strategies; Board Member, Global Women in Public Relations

Vickie Sheriff
Executive Director of Communications, University of Sussex

Tani Fatuga
Senior Communications Consultant, Hard Numbers

Sarah Pinch
Managing Director, Pinch Point Communications

Gem Walsh
Chief Operating Officer, Government Communication Service

Cath Baxter
Professional Voice and Public Speaking Consultant

Jasmine Mbye
The Like Me CIC

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